perjantai 2. maaliskuuta 2012

Where everything leads?

To chaos.

Eventually everything leads to chaos. This is called the chaos theory. Because of a principle of thermodynamics: the amount of entropy will increase inevitably. This means that disorder will always increase and never decrease. This leads to chaos at the end. Entropy is disorder, in every level: in macrocosmos, in microcosmos, in our daily lives. If you drop a coffee cup and it brakes to floor, it will be broken, it cannot be fixed back intact. The time runs only forward, it can never, in any circumstances, stop, or run backwards. The broken coffee cup don't collect it's pieces together and jump to the table again. It's entropy has increased because it broked. Eventually all things broke, die, and cease to exist. Entropy of everything will increase by time. The longer time runs, the more entropy will increase. Eventually leading to chaos. If you build a house, someday it will fall apart. Someday you will die, your body falls apart. Someday in far future the whole Earth will be destroyed by the Sun's last breath and eventually the whole Universe will fall apart to chaos.
But, as predicted, probably a new Universe can be born out of that chaos. All the matter of the Universe thickens into a new Singularity and a new Big Bang starting everything all over again.