tiistai 16. marraskuuta 2010

How evolution works?

Through mutations and natural selection.

Evolution favors the most adaptive individual. Adaptive ones have always survived and moved their genes ahead through propagation. If some individual of any organism has had an mutation in its genes (which happens time to time by coincidence), and it has had advantage in life because of it, most likely this individual has survived better than the others and could have produced descendants more easily. So the good mutation has spread through descendants during several generations and has became standard feature of that species. At the same time the others with inferior genes have slowly passed away, because they couldn't had so many offsprings than the strong ones. Like this the natural selection favors the strong ones who are most suitable for their living environment.
And through time new species have developed from the same ancestors, when species have moved to another environments and developed new features suitable for their new needs.
This is the evolution from onecelled creature to human:

In process... my drawings, not evolution (or it is actually always in process)

sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2010

How human became human?

Through evolution.

Human has evolved from the same ancestors as all the other primates of today, meaning apes and monkeys. Human has not evolved from monkeys, but the same paleo-primates as them. Humans and monkeys ways separated some millions years ago. In the line of the human there have been many other species besides the Homo, which developed to modern human. Some of the species were: Australopithecus Afarensis, Australopithecus Africanus, Paranthropus Aethiopicus, Paranthropus Boisei, Paranthropus Robustus, Homo Habilis (used tools), Homo Ergaster, Homo Erectus (walked on two legs), Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo Neanderthalensis (Neanderthal human) and Homo Sapiens (modern human).
All the other species except Homo Sapiens are dead by now, or in the case of Neanderthals, mixed with modern human. All the non-african people still today have some Neanderthal genes in them. The next relative of the human today is bonobo chimpanzee, smaller version of regular chimpanzee, living in Kongo. The other large primates are gorilla and orangutang. Even human and chimpanzee have 98 percent same genes they are still gone far away from each other during millions of years.
Often there is speak about a "missing link" between humans and apes, but the whole idea of missing link has been wrong from the very start. There is no holes to be filled with missing links in human family tree. It is proven perfectly that humans developed from paleo-primates like the apes aswell.

lauantai 13. marraskuuta 2010

How the life began?

By coincidence.

When the Earth was formed (by gravity) and cooled enough, in the primal water started a reaction. It may have started by lightning which constantly thundered proto-earth. Molecules combined and the first cells were created. This happened just by coincidence. The cells evolved and formed some bacteria, first organisms on Earth. Bacteria evolved through time and they started to photosynthesize, to produce oxygen. These were plant cells. First plants were seaweed. Plants moved to land through time and produced more oxygen. Land was full of plants which used carbon dioxide and transformed it into oxygen. At the same time first animals were evolved at the seas. They were invertebrate organisms, kind of worm like. Through time invertabrates evolved to fish, fish to amphibians. At that time there were enough oxygen in the atmosphere so the animals would be able to move to land and breath air. First insects and other invertebrae moved to live on land. Then the amphibians developed lungs, first with gills, later gills removed. They start to breath air aswell and they came ashore first just to lay eggs. Later they moved to live on land. Amphibians evolved to reptiles. Reptiles became dinosaurs, pterosaurs (flying reptiles, not dinosaurs), ichtyosaurs and plesiosaurs (reptiles which lived in seas, not dinosaurs). While some dinosaurs evolved to birds, some reptiles evolved to mammals. Mammals evolved through time and many orders and species were formed. Finally human evolved from the same ancestors as other primates (apes and monkeys).
However human is not the ultimate endpoint of evolution, nor is it the best, most advanced, developed or intelligent species. Humans are just animals like all the others.

How the Universe was born?

In Big Bang

About 13.7 billion years ago all the materia of the universe was condensed in one spot, called singularity, which size was blinding small and density infinite. When singularity was condensed to as small it can be, it exploded. It's called the Big Bang, because it was the biggest explosion of the universe. There was no sound in it, because there were no air in which the sonic waves would travel, so the big "bang" is relatively misleading term. In just a fraction of second the whole universe spread out of that spot. It wasn't like we know it now, just large amount of chemical elements. Elements mixed together creating new elements and forming objects. Elements were first in gas phase, but while cooling, some of them changed to liquid and solid form. Objects was first like fogs, then they condensed to solid objects. Gravity shaped the objects to spherical shape, like planets, planetoids (small planet-like objects), moons etc. If the object was heavy enough in physical mass, a nuclear reaction started in its core. The object started to radiate and it has become a star.
Stars born in nebulas (fogs full of materials for stars), when the star is condensed, there usually is lots of remain material (gas) around it. Gravity shapes the gas in the form of a disc that orbits around the star. The materia in the disc accumulates and form planets. If the spherical objects were near some object with greater mass, it probably started to orbit that object, so it became a moon. At first planets were gas, then liquid, then they cooled to solid objects. Planets heavy enough stayed in gas form. Planets have several layers inside them. For example Earths inner core is solid, outer core liquid, mantle viscous solid, outer mantle solid and crust solid. Most of the planets have just one core. Stars have layers also, core, mantle and surface.
Stars accumulated in galaxies, large drift of stars, and planets formed solar systems around the stars. This creative process is always under way, new stars and planets are constantly forming while others are being destroyed. The natural cause of universe.

No one can know what has happened before the Big Bang, because the time itself began then. Humans can make sharper and sharper telescopes and look further and further back in time, but we can't look back at the time, when time hasn't begun.

Does God(s) exist?


Gods are creations of humans. They only exist in peoples minds. How could anyone claim that his/her god is real and other peoples gods aren't? They can't. Everybodys god is true to just him/herself.
Man has always believed in something, from the prehistoric to the present day. The gods have changed many times. At first humans believed in nature spirits, which operated everywhere. Through time some of the religious people become clerics and priest class. They defined what were the gods like. They, human beings, invented what were the gods, what they can do, and how they need to be worshipped.

Animism: soul in everything. Worshipping of nature spirits. Shamans fall into trance to communicate with spirits.
In use in prehistoric times, in native American cultures, aboriginal and oceanic cultures, African cultures.

Polytheism: many gods for different matters, like Sun, sky, storm, war, love, beauty, wisdom. Priests control the religion. Gods need offerings and could listen prays.
In use in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic and German culture, Viking culture, Hinduism, Meso-American cultures.

Dualism: two adversary gods, archetypes of good and evil, fighting always against each other, but neither one wins so the World stays in balance. Priest control the religion. Gods need offerings and could listen prays.
In use in Zoroastrianism, Taoism.

Monotheism: One god. Often named just "god", like Christianitys God, Jewish Jahve and Islamic Allah. In use in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, during a little period of time in ancient Egypt.

Pantheism: The universe and god are the same, no personified or creator god. No priests.
In use in some forms of Buddhism, Neopaganism, Theosophy.

None of these religious thought can be proven right, ever. Because they are just invented by humans, work of imagination and no scientific proof. The religions have been created to control the moral and habits of people, to collect money, to raise armies and to praise the rulers glory and supposed divinity.

Gods have been used for terrible things, like wars and genocides. But gods have also given faith to people living in misery and dark times. In the middle ages in Europe, Christianity promised a place in heaven, everlasting paradise, for the religious people. That must have given great hope for better future in afterlife and encouraging people to live on, while wars, diseases, persecutions and poorness pressed them.
But in the present day, 21st century, we don't need gods. The religions are conservative relics of the past, outlived intolerant institutions, which are no needed anymore. They cause faith to some people still, but discriminates others. And all the benefits of faith can be received from other, more reasonable means. When people doesn't believe in gods anymore, they are dead. They only lived in our heads.

What is the meaning of life?

To develop to better person and to understand those who not yet has found the meaning of life.


Platonism: Attaining the highest form of knowledge, which is the Idea of the Good.

Aristotelianism: The Highest Good, happiness, well-being, flourishing, excellence.

Cynicisn: Living a life of Virtue that agrees with Nature.

Cyrenaicism: Happiness and pleasure.

Epicureanism: Greatest good in seeking modest peasures.

Stoicism: To be in harmony with the universe's divine order.

Classical liberalism: Individual liberty.

Kantianism: All actions are performed in accordance with some underlying ethical principle.

Utilitarianism: Greatest happiness principle.

Nihilism: Life has no meaning.

Pragmatism: The meaning of life is discoverable only via experience.

Existentialism: Each person creates the meaning of his/her own life.

Absurdism: Meaning of life can't be found, but resolving the problem can be done three ways: escaping existence (suicide), religious belief or acceptance of the absurd (demoniac madness).

Humanism: Human personality (general sense) is the purpose of a human being's life.

Logical positivism: Ones life has meaning to him/herself and to others around him/her, but life itself has no meaning.

Naturalistic pantheism: To care for and look after nature and the environment.


Zoroastrianism: To ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay with good deeds.

Judaism: To serve the one true God and to prepare for the world to come.

Christianity: To seek divine salvation through the grace of God and intercession of Christ.

Islam: Earthly life is merely a test, determining one's afterlife, either in paradise or in Hell.

Bahá'í Faith: Spiritual growth and service to humanity.

Hinduism: Four possible aims to human life from least to greatest:
Kama (wish, desire, love and sensual pleasure),
Artha (wealth, prosperity, glory),
Dharma (righteousness, duty, morality, virtue, ethics, encompassing notions such as non-violence and truth),
Moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).

Jainism: Enlightenment via truth and non-violence (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).

Buddhism: Collecting good karma and getting to Nirvana, liberation of both suffering and rebirth.

Sikhism: Peace, equality and positive action.

Shinto: The sufferings of life are the sufferings of the divine spirit in search of progress in the objective world.

Taoism: To realise the temporal nature of the existence.

Confucianism: The ultimate meaning of life can be realized in ordinary human existence.

To live and breed.

My reason to live: To find the light, love and happiness, to live in peace and harmony with everybody and with environment, to understand the World and to be a part of history.
Have I accomplished it? Not yet all of it.

What isn't the meaning of life? 
To get rich.
Thinking it all of your life.
Not to use it.
To waste it.
To win.
To get in heaven.
To try everything.
Purpose of life is to end (like Agent Smith said in Matrix)

What the name of this blog means and why does it have that name?

The ultimate truth in Latin.

Because: Truth, TheTruth, UltimateTruth, TheUltimateTruth, ColdTruth, TheColdTruth, FinalTruth, TheFinalTruth, JustTruth, JustTheTruth, TruthOrFalse, TrueOrFalse, WhatsTruth, WhatsTheTruth, WhatIsTruth, WhatIsTheTruth, Veritas, DeVeritas, TheVeritas blog names were already taken.


With passion.

Do everything you do in life with as much care, love and passion you can give, and you will succeed greatly. Keep your heart with you even in the littlest things and the life will go just fine with you and everyone around you. Passion is a very good thing to use for work and human relationships too. It can be added to everything.


There where you are.

The grass is not greener at the other side of the fence. It really isn't. The place you've been growing up is your home place, wherever it might be, and that is the best place for you to live. Life don't usually change better when moving, other countries are not so better places to live. Respect your home country (and possible city), it's for you and you are for it. You are a part of your own culture and it's difficult to change culture. You can do whatever you want there where you are, it's just a matter of arrangement.



If you don't do it, no one else won't. You will notice that things doesn't come always like you expected, most of the time they only proceed when you do them yourself. If you give work to do to other people, there is a high propability that something, if not everything, won't be done. At least in time. If the thing is important to you, you have to do it yourself. That doesn't mean you have to do it alone, but being part of it is the best thing to get it done. If you just give work to other people and they are not interested in it as much as you, which very often is true, then the things won't get done.



If you don't do it now, you'll probably never do it. What goes around, comes around (in Finland we say: what you leave behind, you'll find ahead). Unfinished work press, so do it now. Doing things right away is the best thing to go forward in life. They who do nothing, will accomplish nothing, and they'll have a boring life. Too many people regrets in their deathbed the things they haven't done when they had time. Time is the worst enemy of us. Every human being have just limited amount of time, and you have to use it wise. Do the important things when you have the time, tell your loved ones that you love them, be with your family, remember your friends, do it now!


Because of no reason.

If you keep asking why about everything, you miss the point. You don't need to know and understand everything. Sometimes people don't want anybody to know reasons of their acts. It's better to leave those things alone. So stop asking why and just enjoy life. In nature and universe there is no reasons to all things. Sometimes something just happens because of coincidence, you must accept that.



The ultimate question, what. First question of the babies. Answer is everything, you just have to look around you. Keep your eyes open and be always open-minded for new things. It's never too late to learn new things. World is a wonderful place, enjoy it every day. Watch it, listen it, smell it, taste it, touch it, sense it. Use all of your senses and you will have a good life.