lauantai 13. marraskuuta 2010

How the life began?

By coincidence.

When the Earth was formed (by gravity) and cooled enough, in the primal water started a reaction. It may have started by lightning which constantly thundered proto-earth. Molecules combined and the first cells were created. This happened just by coincidence. The cells evolved and formed some bacteria, first organisms on Earth. Bacteria evolved through time and they started to photosynthesize, to produce oxygen. These were plant cells. First plants were seaweed. Plants moved to land through time and produced more oxygen. Land was full of plants which used carbon dioxide and transformed it into oxygen. At the same time first animals were evolved at the seas. They were invertebrate organisms, kind of worm like. Through time invertabrates evolved to fish, fish to amphibians. At that time there were enough oxygen in the atmosphere so the animals would be able to move to land and breath air. First insects and other invertebrae moved to live on land. Then the amphibians developed lungs, first with gills, later gills removed. They start to breath air aswell and they came ashore first just to lay eggs. Later they moved to live on land. Amphibians evolved to reptiles. Reptiles became dinosaurs, pterosaurs (flying reptiles, not dinosaurs), ichtyosaurs and plesiosaurs (reptiles which lived in seas, not dinosaurs). While some dinosaurs evolved to birds, some reptiles evolved to mammals. Mammals evolved through time and many orders and species were formed. Finally human evolved from the same ancestors as other primates (apes and monkeys).
However human is not the ultimate endpoint of evolution, nor is it the best, most advanced, developed or intelligent species. Humans are just animals like all the others.

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