lauantai 13. marraskuuta 2010

What is the meaning of life?

To develop to better person and to understand those who not yet has found the meaning of life.


Platonism: Attaining the highest form of knowledge, which is the Idea of the Good.

Aristotelianism: The Highest Good, happiness, well-being, flourishing, excellence.

Cynicisn: Living a life of Virtue that agrees with Nature.

Cyrenaicism: Happiness and pleasure.

Epicureanism: Greatest good in seeking modest peasures.

Stoicism: To be in harmony with the universe's divine order.

Classical liberalism: Individual liberty.

Kantianism: All actions are performed in accordance with some underlying ethical principle.

Utilitarianism: Greatest happiness principle.

Nihilism: Life has no meaning.

Pragmatism: The meaning of life is discoverable only via experience.

Existentialism: Each person creates the meaning of his/her own life.

Absurdism: Meaning of life can't be found, but resolving the problem can be done three ways: escaping existence (suicide), religious belief or acceptance of the absurd (demoniac madness).

Humanism: Human personality (general sense) is the purpose of a human being's life.

Logical positivism: Ones life has meaning to him/herself and to others around him/her, but life itself has no meaning.

Naturalistic pantheism: To care for and look after nature and the environment.


Zoroastrianism: To ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay with good deeds.

Judaism: To serve the one true God and to prepare for the world to come.

Christianity: To seek divine salvation through the grace of God and intercession of Christ.

Islam: Earthly life is merely a test, determining one's afterlife, either in paradise or in Hell.

Bahá'í Faith: Spiritual growth and service to humanity.

Hinduism: Four possible aims to human life from least to greatest:
Kama (wish, desire, love and sensual pleasure),
Artha (wealth, prosperity, glory),
Dharma (righteousness, duty, morality, virtue, ethics, encompassing notions such as non-violence and truth),
Moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).

Jainism: Enlightenment via truth and non-violence (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).

Buddhism: Collecting good karma and getting to Nirvana, liberation of both suffering and rebirth.

Sikhism: Peace, equality and positive action.

Shinto: The sufferings of life are the sufferings of the divine spirit in search of progress in the objective world.

Taoism: To realise the temporal nature of the existence.

Confucianism: The ultimate meaning of life can be realized in ordinary human existence.

To live and breed.

My reason to live: To find the light, love and happiness, to live in peace and harmony with everybody and with environment, to understand the World and to be a part of history.
Have I accomplished it? Not yet all of it.

What isn't the meaning of life? 
To get rich.
Thinking it all of your life.
Not to use it.
To waste it.
To win.
To get in heaven.
To try everything.
Purpose of life is to end (like Agent Smith said in Matrix)

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