lauantai 13. marraskuuta 2010

Does God(s) exist?


Gods are creations of humans. They only exist in peoples minds. How could anyone claim that his/her god is real and other peoples gods aren't? They can't. Everybodys god is true to just him/herself.
Man has always believed in something, from the prehistoric to the present day. The gods have changed many times. At first humans believed in nature spirits, which operated everywhere. Through time some of the religious people become clerics and priest class. They defined what were the gods like. They, human beings, invented what were the gods, what they can do, and how they need to be worshipped.

Animism: soul in everything. Worshipping of nature spirits. Shamans fall into trance to communicate with spirits.
In use in prehistoric times, in native American cultures, aboriginal and oceanic cultures, African cultures.

Polytheism: many gods for different matters, like Sun, sky, storm, war, love, beauty, wisdom. Priests control the religion. Gods need offerings and could listen prays.
In use in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic and German culture, Viking culture, Hinduism, Meso-American cultures.

Dualism: two adversary gods, archetypes of good and evil, fighting always against each other, but neither one wins so the World stays in balance. Priest control the religion. Gods need offerings and could listen prays.
In use in Zoroastrianism, Taoism.

Monotheism: One god. Often named just "god", like Christianitys God, Jewish Jahve and Islamic Allah. In use in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, during a little period of time in ancient Egypt.

Pantheism: The universe and god are the same, no personified or creator god. No priests.
In use in some forms of Buddhism, Neopaganism, Theosophy.

None of these religious thought can be proven right, ever. Because they are just invented by humans, work of imagination and no scientific proof. The religions have been created to control the moral and habits of people, to collect money, to raise armies and to praise the rulers glory and supposed divinity.

Gods have been used for terrible things, like wars and genocides. But gods have also given faith to people living in misery and dark times. In the middle ages in Europe, Christianity promised a place in heaven, everlasting paradise, for the religious people. That must have given great hope for better future in afterlife and encouraging people to live on, while wars, diseases, persecutions and poorness pressed them.
But in the present day, 21st century, we don't need gods. The religions are conservative relics of the past, outlived intolerant institutions, which are no needed anymore. They cause faith to some people still, but discriminates others. And all the benefits of faith can be received from other, more reasonable means. When people doesn't believe in gods anymore, they are dead. They only lived in our heads.

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